UL007 UL认证PGIS2电源线标签
UL007 UL certified PGIS2 power cord label
UL006 UL认证HPN电源线贴纸
UL006 UL certified HPN power cord sticker
UL005 白色UL电壁炉耐高温标签
UL005 White UL electrical fireplace heat resistant label
UL004 UL标签印刷透明底黑字贴纸
UL004 UL labels are printed with transparent black bottom stickers
UL003 UL透明底白字应用灯具不干胶
UL003 ULTransparent white characters Apply light stickers
UL002 UL认证印刷厂卷装贴标
UL002 UL certified printing house package and label
UL001 银底黑字哑银贴纸应用在卷装自动贴标
UL001 Dumb silver sticker with black lettering on a silver background Apply auto